Aion Roleplaying Wiki

OOC Game Stats
Game Name Aradia
Faction Asmodian
Class Sorcerer
Professions Tailoring, Cooking
IC Info
Nicknames Dia
Title Daeva of Curiosity
Age 21
Height 5'
Build Slender
Hair White
Eyes Emerald
Skin Alabaster



Age at Ascension: 17
Weight: 75 lbs.


Place of Residence: Pandaemonium, Asmodae
Place of Birth:

Enemies: The Elyos, the Balaur

Occupation: Daeva of Curiosity
Tradeskill: Tailor

Special Abilities: Perhaps the reason for her title, Dia has an unnatural affinity for being insatiably curious, which also often leads to her getting into some sort of trouble.
She also has a natural affinity for blowing things up, and tends to do so when highly emotional or threatened, making her a perfect candidate for sorcery.


Appearance: Rather short for an Asmodian, given that she was almost full grown when she ascended, Aradia stands at five feet even. Her features are streamlined, though still noticeably feminine, with long and delicate legs, arms and fingers - most of her height is from her legs, not her torso.
Upon her ascension, her hair turned to a stark shade of white with faintly silver highlights, and even the hair of her main became a brighter white. Though it has always been long, Aradia prefers to bind it back into a tail that trails down along her back and mane; it is not often that her hair is not bound back like this.
Like many Asmodians, her skin is an extreme shade of pale, quite alabaster in it's colouring which often makes it difficult to tell where her flesh ends and her hair begins. Her pale colouring is offset by a pair of brilliant emerald green eyes, and the intricate purple, blue, and black tattoos that frame them - she also keeps her lips dyed a deep shade of red to contrast her naturally stark colouring.
Fashion of Choice: Aradia tend to gravitate towards fancier yet practical clothing that are predominately dark in colour with bright trims and highlights. These range in shades of blue, purple, red and green though she never wears gold, preferring silver or platinum.
Armor of Choice: When in the field fighting, Aradia prefers enchanted pants and jackets as opposed to robes and skirts, though if it enhances her magical affinities enough, she will chose the latter over the former.
Weapons of Choice: More often than not, Aradia will wield an orb over a spellbook.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Motivations: Understanding, Discovery, Power
Disposition: Curious
Outlook: Upbeat

Religion/Philosophy: The answers to everything are available, if one is willing to put forth the time and effort to research and discover them; therefore knowledge becomes absolute power, as all power is based off of one's own knowledge.

Sexuality: Bisexual, but largely celibate.

Positive Personality Traits: Meticulous, thoughtful, charming, unorthodox, exotic
Negative Personality Traits: Distrustful, manipulative, relentless, self absorbed, loner, evasive, cryptic
Misc. Quirks: Due to her obsessive nature when it comes to knowledge and working, Aradia has developed a rather pronounced case of insomnia.
Supposedly a habit she picked up from her Daeva mentor, the girl tends to frequently groom herself, from checking that her hair is still quite well done to making sure her clothing is smooth, well-fitting and wrinkle-free.
Dia tends to hum while working on anything that doesn't involve subtlety, mostly when she is tailoring, cooking or in the midst of research.


Favorite Foods:
Favorite Drinks:
Favorite Colors:

Hobbies: Music Appreciation, Calligraphy, Dancing, Research, Art Appreciation


Friends & Associates[]

Other Friendships/Acquaintances of Note[]


Played by What Famous Person: Summer Glau

Theme Songs: